Monday, March 14, 2005

Wonderful News Abounds

I can't remember a week when so many wonderful things happened.

1) Elissa and Peter Everett welcomed Graham Duncan Everett to the world on Friday, March 11th. The crackah already has his own yahoo account and has already won his own fantasy baby pool! Welcome Graham!

2) Eric Broder is hanging up a shingle as he opens Broder & Orland, LLC, on April 1st in Westport, CT. He'll continue to practice in Family & Matrimonial Law. Way to go, Eric!

3) Andy Brown will be at Memorial Sloan-Kettering Cancer Center for his three-year Oncology fellowship, starting in mid-2006. Very impressive!

4) Girish Khera is getting married in the next few weeks in India. He and Ashish are opening their own company, Scientific Animations, next month. Best of luck, guys!

5) Susie Fox will be leaving uncertain times (and an awful commute) at Merck to join Medical Knowledge Group, a medical communication company in midtown. Congrats!

Keep that good news coming! It's infectious!

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Hey man!

You're my hero.

